Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
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Νοε 30
- LRP1/CD91 is Highly Expressed in Monocytes from Pa...
- Long non‐coding RNA LINC00665 promotes melanoma ce...
- Transcriptional and signaling regulation of skin e...
- Molecular targets of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in...
- The systolic pulmonary artery pressure and the E/e...
- The 'Double hit': Free tissue transfer is optimal ...
- ,Single-Unit technique for the use of acellular de...
- The role of plastic surgery in major trauma
- Salvaging exposed microtia cartilage framework wit...
- Anatomic landmarks for masseteric nerve identifica...
- Decreasing donor site morbidity after groin vascul...
- Effects of curcumin nanoparticle on the histologic...
- Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells improv...
- Preserved Cochlear Implant Function After Multiple...
- Diverse cellular players orchestrate regeneration ...
- Open Tracheostomy for Critically Ill Patients with...
- Characterization of the Sheep Round Window Membrane
- Identification of a novel CYP26A1 mutation in a Ch...
- Clinical heterogeneity of the SLC26A4 gene in UAE ...
- Adenoidectomy: Anatomical variables as predictive ...
- The 'Frankentower:' A clinician-driven approach to...
- Leveraging telemedicine to preserve pediatric glob...
- A new training package (3Cs: Connect, Communicate ...
- A 5-year-old boy with acute neurological disorder ...
- Iatrogenic orbital cerebrospinal fluid leak in a y...
- Ethosuximide induced macroglossia and oropharyngea...
- Effects of allergic rhinitis on the progression an...
- A case series of dermoids in the middle ear.
- Perception of speech stress in children with heari...
- The influence of tonsillectomy on allergic disease...
- Characteristics of the wideband absorbance of acou...
- Clinical practice guidelines on newborn hearing sc...
- Monopolar tonsillotomy versus cold dissection tons...
- Endotracheal metallic stent removal: A novel ABC (...
- The Swedish hearing in noise test for children, HI...
- Novel variants in EDNRB gene in waardenburg syndro...
- Acute isolated sphenoid sinusitis in children: A c...
- A homozygous MPZL2 deletion is associated with non...
- Acute mastoiditis complicated by cerebral venous s...
- Bipolar loop device versus bipolar diathermy for t...
- Self-concept of children and adolescents with coch...
- Airway management protocol for conjoined twins del...
- Feasibility of a hearing screening programme using...
- Nasal dorsum reconstruction after pediatric nasal ...
- Tumor spread through air spaces (STAS): prognostic...
- Recognition of filigree pattern expands the concep...
- TP53 mutations and CDKN2A mutations/deletions are ...
- TFEB rearranged renal cell carcinoma. A clinicopat...
- Clinico-pathologic predictors of patterns of resid...
- Comparing programmed death ligand 1 scores for pre...
Νοε 30
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (21)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (28)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (19)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (54)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (4765)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (5155)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (3144)
Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2020
LRP1/CD91 is Highly Expressed in Monocytes from Patients with Vitiligo, Even After Repigmentation.
Long non‐coding RNA LINC00665 promotes melanoma cell growth and migration via regulating the miR‐224‐5p/VMA21 axis
Transcriptional and signaling regulation of skin epithelial stem cells in homeostasis, wounds, and cancer
Molecular targets of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in thyroid cancer.
The systolic pulmonary artery pressure and the E/e' ratio decrease after septoplasty in patients with grade 2 and 3 pure nasal septal deviation.
The 'Double hit': Free tissue transfer is optimal in comorbid population with irradiated wounds for successful limb salvage.
,Single-Unit technique for the use of acellular dermal matrix in immediate expander-based breast reconstruction.
The role of plastic surgery in major trauma
Salvaging exposed microtia cartilage framework with negative pressure wound therapy.
Anatomic landmarks for masseteric nerve identification: Anatomic study for a new reference point.
Decreasing donor site morbidity after groin vascularized lymph node transfer with lessons learned from a 12-year experience and review of the literature.
Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου
! # Ola via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader
Publication date: 1 May 2019 Source: Talanta, Volume 196 Author(s): Ruiqing Long, Te Li, Chaoying Tong, Lihui Wu, Shuyun Shi Abstract...
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