Technology in Cancer Research &Treatment, Volume 18, Issue , January 2019.
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
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Ιαν 28
- Enhancing Effect of 100.414-kHz Electromagnetic Fi...
- Spotlight on fungal pectin utilization—from phytop...
- Quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasound of renal...
- Comparative accuracy of qualitative and quantitati...
- Quantification of fat and skeletal muscle tissue a...
- Two new glutarimide antibiotics from Streptomyces ...
- The Use of Janus Kinase Inhibitors in Alopecia Are...
- A Qualitative Analysis of Canadian Indoor Tanning ...
- Pattern of FDG and MET Distribution in High- and L...
- Diagnosis of Primary Clear Cell Carcinoma of the V...
- Multiple Myeloma of Testes and Spermatic Cord on 1...
- Baseline Pancreatic Beta Cell Imaging After Pancre...
- 18F-FDG PET/CT in Intramuscular Mantle Cell Lympho...
- Effect of Sentinel Node Biopsy in Clinically N0, B...
- Tumor Identification of Less Aggressive or Indolen...
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mimicking Neuroendocrine ...
- Primary Pulmonary Paraganglioma Revealed by FDG PE...
- Resolution of Hypoxic Tissue in Cerebellar Hemisph...
- Acral Involvement of Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Reveal...
- Quality and Safety in Health Care, Part LI: Engage...
- Pericholecystic Rim Sign and Gallbladder Nonvisual...
- Dynamic Renal Ptosis Demonstrated on 18F-FDG PET/CT
- 68Ga-PSMA Uptake in Prostate Cancer Sciatic Nerve ...
- 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MR Can Be False Positive in Norma...
- Lymphadenopathy Due to Kimura’s Disease Mimicking ...
- Supernumerary incisive canals in a cadaver: a rare...
- [ASAP] Base-Controlled Heck, Suzuki, and Sonogashi...
- Strategic research agenda for biomedical imaging
- Health and productivity at work: which active work...
- Algal sorbent derived from Sargassum horneri for a...
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Propose...
- Effects of a Personalized Web-Based Decision Aid f...
- External Validation of the MEESSI Acute Heart Fail...
- Fanconi Syndrome and Tenofovir Alafenamide: A Case...
- Knowing Is (Only) Half the Battle
- Kidney Transplantation in Lupus Nephritis: Can We ...
- Renal Transplantation and Survival Among Patients ...
- Kidney Transplants in Patients With Lupus Nephritis
- Perfect Compliance: The 2018 Accreditation Council...
- Poststreptococcal Myalgia and Myositis
- Caring for Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions
- Modeling the relationship between gross capital fo...
- Cultural Identity and Materiality at French Fort S...
- In his element: looking back on Primo Levi’s The P...
- Daily briefing: How to run a 500-year experiment
- Herding experts and polishing text: 10 tips for cr...
- Children glued to screens show delays in key skills
- Celebrate the women behind the periodic table
- The first synthetic element
- Flying squirrels are secretly pink
- Two-dimensional MoS2-enabled flexible rectenna for...
- Image-based clustering and connected component lab...
- Seasonal ecotoxicological monitoring of freshwater...
- Effect of Vicia faba L. var. minor and Sulla coron...
- Diagnosing a Breast Cancer Gene Mutation with Our ...
- Using Sequencing and AI for Infectious Disease Det...
- New Blood Test Determines Likelihood of Lung Trans...
- Innovative new toothbrush breaks ground for better...
- Dance Biopharm Finds Its Rhythm
- 23andMe Looking at Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Sy...
- Using Immersive Virtual Reality Software for Surgi...
- Abbott CEO Says the Libre Story Just Keeps Getting...
- Technogym supports professionals against football ...
- 3D Printing Prosthetics and Implants With Precision
- FDA Clears United Imaging Healthcare uExplorer Tot...
- FDA Clears Siemens Healthineers' Multix Impact Dig...
- [ASAP] A “Clickable” Photoconvertible Small Fluore...
- [ASAP] Aminoxyl-Catalyzed Electrochemical Diazidat...
- [ASAP] Electrochemical Dearomative 2,3-Difunctiona...
- Insertions of antihypertensive peptides and their ...
- The impact of sustainability performance indicator...
- Phytoremediation potential and control of Phragmit...
- Preface—a new paradigm for life cycle thinking: ex...
- Rare Species Enhance Niche Differentiation Among T...
- Multifunctional diesel exhaust emission soot coate...
- Improved Jayaweera-Mikkelsen model to quantify amm...
- New wireless cardiac resynchronisation therapy device
- Flying squirrels are secretly pink
- A possible role of biogenic silica in esophageal c...
- Clinical performance of uncoated and precoated pol...
- [ASAP] Structure and Reactivity of Aromatic Radica...
- [ASAP] TEMPO-Mediated Catalysis of the Sterically ...
- [ASAP] Spotlights on Recent Publications
- P and K additions enhance canopy N retention and a...
- Diversity and Spatiotemporal Distribution of Funga...
- Effect Oral Administration Ampicillin on the Ecolo...
- The value of CSF flow studies in the management of...
- Abdominal applications of ultrasound fusion imagin...
- Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the female p...
- Daily briefing: How to run a 500-year experiment
- Children glued to screens show delays in key skills
- Two-dimensional MoS2-enabled flexible rectenna for...
- Herding experts and polishing text: 10 tips for cr...
- Ultra-high-resolution subtraction CT angiography i...
- Advanced endoscopic interventions on the pancreas ...
- The first synthetic element
- Minocycline ameliorates anxiety-related self-groom...
- [ASAP] Acid Responsive Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Fra...
- WIF1 enhanced dentinogenic differentiation in stem...
- Author Correction: Pan-cancer analysis of homozygo...
Ιαν 28
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (3144)
Δευτέρα 28 Ιανουαρίου 2019
Enhancing Effect of 100.414-kHz Electromagnetic Field Produced by Defender’s Pulse Generator on the ChIFN γ-Like Molecule Inducing Capacity of Lens culinaris Agglutinin and 10% PBS Washouts of Different Holocene Minerals
Spotlight on fungal pectin utilization—from phytopathogenicity to molecular recognition and industrial applications
Pectin is a complex polysaccharide with d-galacturonic acid as its main component that predominantly accumulates in the middle lamella of the plant cell wall. Integrity and depolymerization of pectic structures have long been identified as relevant factors in fungal phytosymbiosis and phytopathogenicity in the context of tissue penetration and carbon source supply. While the pectic content of a plant cell wall can vary significantly, pectin was reported to account for up to 20–25% of the total dry weight in soft and non-woody tissues with non- or mildly lignified secondary cell walls, such as found in citrus peel, sugar beet pulp, and apple pomace. Due to their potential applications in various industrial sectors, pectic sugars from these and similar agricultural waste streams have been recognized as valuable targets for a diverse set of biotechnological fermentations.
Recent advances in uncovering the molecular regulation mechanisms for pectinase expression in saprophytic fungi have led to a better understanding of fungal pectin sensing and utilization that could help to improve industrial, pectin-based fermentations. Related research in phytopathogenic fungi has furthermore added to our knowledge regarding the relevance of pectinases in plant cell wall penetration during onset of disease and is therefore highly relevant for agricultural sciences and the agricultural industry. This review therefore aims at summarizing (i) the role of pectinases in phytopathogenicity, (ii) the global regulation patterns for pectinase expression in saprophytic filamentous fungi as a highly specialized class of pectin degraders, and (iii) the current industrial applications in pectic sugar fermentations and transformations.
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Quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasound of renal perfusion: a technology for the assessment of early diabetic nephropathy in cynomolgus macaques with type 2 diabetes mellitus
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in predicting early nephropathy in cynomolgus macaques with spontaneous type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Six cynomolgus macaques with spontaneous T2DM and six normal cynomolgus macaques (Group 1) were included in this study. The time–intensity curve was used to obtain parameters such as peak values, red blood volume (RBV), red blood flow (RBF), time to peak (TTP), and mean transit time (MTT). Biopsy renal tissue samples were assessed histopathologically. Six cynomolgus macaques with spontaneous T2DM were subgrouped into T2DM without nephropathy group (Group 2) and T2DM with nephropathy group (Group 3) based on histopathological findings.
Peak value had the largest area under the curve comparing with RBF, RBV, TTP, MTT. The sensitivity and specificity of peak value with cut-off value of 38.65 dB for the diagnosis of DN were 98.3% and 83%, respectively. Peak value, RBV, and RBF in Group 3 was significantly decreased compared with Group 1 and Group 2 (P = 0.000, x2 = 23.99; P = 0.003, x2 = 9.14; P = 0.02, x2 = 5.14).
The perfusion parameter of peak value in CEUS might be useful in predicting early diabetic nephropathy in spontaneous T2DM cynomolgus macaques.
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Comparative accuracy of qualitative and quantitative 18F-FDG PET/CT analysis in detection of lymph node metastasis from anal cancer
To compare the diagnostic performance of qualitative and quantitative 18F-FDG PET/CT in detection of regional and distant lymph node metastasis in patients with anal cancer.
Between 2004 and 2017, 28 patients with anal cancer who had staging PET/CT and pathological assessment of suspicious lymph nodes were included. For qualitative analysis, positive lymph nodes were defined as uptake visually higher than the liver reference uptake. For quantitative study, lymph nodes were contoured to determine maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax) and metabolic tumor volume (MTV). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to extract the optimal cut-offs and area under the curve (AUC) of SUVmax, lesion to background (L/B) ratio, short axis diameter (SAD), and MTV of lymph nodes. Histopathologic analysis was a reference standard.
A total of 28 lymph nodes (24 inguinal, 2 external iliac, 1 internal iliac, and 1 paraaortic nodes) in 28 patients on PET/CT were included. With the qualitative visual analysis, 19 patients were categorized as positive for nodal metastasis with sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 85%, 75%, and 82%. The optimal SUVmax and L/B ratio cut-offs were 2.6 and 1.0 with both sensitivity and specificity of 95% and 75% (AUC of SUVmax = 0.893, AUC of L/B ratio = 0.912). Using the best cut-off of 1.6 cm for SAD and 3.65 cm3 for MTV, both sensitivity and specificity were 80% and 100% (AUC of SAD = 0.950, AUC of MTV = 0.931).
SUVmax optimization may be helpful in enhancing the diagnostic accuracy of 18F-FDG PET/CT in nodal staging patients with anal cancer.
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Quantification of fat and skeletal muscle tissue at abdominal computed tomography: associations between single-slice measurements and total compartment volumes
Body composition is of great prognostic value in several severe diseases, including different types of cancer as well as cardiometabolic disorders. We aimed to investigate the correlations of skeletal muscle mass and abdominal adipose tissue compartments between volumetric and single-slice measurements to study the usefulness of several anatomical landmarks for estimation of total compartment volumes using abdominal CT-scans.
In this retrospective study volumetric quantifications of paraspinal skeletal muscles (SM) and adipose tissue compartments (visceral adipose tissue, VAT; subcutaneous adipose tissue, SAT) were performed in 50 consecutive patients (26 male; mean age, 63 ± 15 years) who underwent abdominal multislice-CT for diagnostic purposes using an in-house software. Associations between total volumes of SM, VAT, and SAT with single-slice measurements at eight predefined anatomical landmarks (median intervertebral disk spaces T12/L1 to L5/S1; level of the umbilicus (U); level of the radix of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA)) were studied using correlation coefficients.
Statistical analysis revealed a strong association between single-slice measurements of adipose tissue compartments with total VAT and SAT volume (VAT: all r > 0.89, P < 0.001; SAT: all r > 0.95, P < 0.001). The strongest associations with total SM volume were found for single-slice measurements obtained at L3/4 (r = 0.94, P < 0.001) and were further improved by normalization to height (r = 0.98, P < 0.001).
Single-slice measurements of SM, VAT, and SAT at several anatomical landmarks are strongly associated with total compartment volumes and therefore allow for easy and simultaneous assessment of skeletal muscle mass and adipose tissue compartment volumes.
from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Two new glutarimide antibiotics from Streptomyces sp. HS-NF-780
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The Use of Janus Kinase Inhibitors in Alopecia Areata: A Review of the Literature
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Ahead of Print.
from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
A Qualitative Analysis of Canadian Indoor Tanning Policies
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Ahead of Print.
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Pattern of FDG and MET Distribution in High- and Low-Grade Gliomas on PET Images
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Diagnosis of Primary Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Vagina by 18F-FDG PET/CT
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Multiple Myeloma of Testes and Spermatic Cord on 18F-FDG PET/CT
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Baseline Pancreatic Beta Cell Imaging After Pancreatic Transplantation Using Whole-Body 68Ga-DOTA-Exendin-4 PET/CT: A Spectrum of 2 Cases of Diabetes Mellitus
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18F-FDG PET/CT in Intramuscular Mantle Cell Lymphoma With Elongated Lymphomatous Neurovascular Extension
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Effect of Sentinel Node Biopsy in Clinically N0, BRAF V600E–Mutated, Small Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Pilot Study
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Tumor Identification of Less Aggressive or Indolent Lymphoma With Whole-Body 11C-Acetate PET/CT
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Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mimicking Neuroendocrine Tumor Metastasis on 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT
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Primary Pulmonary Paraganglioma Revealed by FDG PET/CT
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Resolution of Hypoxic Tissue in Cerebellar Hemispheres After Arterial Bypass Surgery in a Patient With Symptomatic Bilateral Vertebral Artery Occlusion: A 18F-FRP170 PET Study
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Acral Involvement of Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Revealed on FDG PET/CT
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Quality and Safety in Health Care, Part LI: Engagement and Burnout
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Pericholecystic Rim Sign and Gallbladder Nonvisualization Indicating Acute Gangrenous Cholecystitis on 99mTc-MIBI Myocardial Perfusion SPECT
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Dynamic Renal Ptosis Demonstrated on 18F-FDG PET/CT
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68Ga-PSMA Uptake in Prostate Cancer Sciatic Nerve Metastasis
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68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MR Can Be False Positive in Normal Prostatic Tissue
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Lymphadenopathy Due to Kimura’s Disease Mimicking Lymphoma on FDG PET/CT
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Supernumerary incisive canals in a cadaver: a rare anatomical variation
We present a rare anatomical variation in which an additional incisive canal was observed during the routine dissection of the palatal region in a cadaver. The diameter of the incisive and additional incisive canals measured 4.59 mm and 0.91 mm, respectively. Even though this variation is rare, oral surgeons should be aware of such anatomical variations for a better understanding.
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[ASAP] Base-Controlled Heck, Suzuki, and Sonogashira Reactions Catalyzed by Ligand-Free Platinum or Palladium Single Atom and Sub-Nanometer Clusters
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Strategic research agenda for biomedical imaging
This Strategic Research Agenda identifies current challenges and needs in healthcare, illustrates how biomedical imaging and derived data can help to address these, and aims to stimulate dedicated research funding efforts.
Medicine is currently moving towards a more tailored, patient-centric approach by providing personalised solutions for the individual patient. Innovation in biomedical imaging plays a key role in this process as it addresses the current needs for individualised prevention, treatment, therapy response monitoring, and image-guided surgery.
The use of non-invasive biomarkers facilitates better therapy prediction and monitoring, leading to improved patient outcomes. Innovative diagnostic imaging technologies provide information about disease characteristics which, coupled with biological, genetic and -omics data, will contribute to an individualised diagnosis and therapy approach.
In the emerging field of theranostics, imaging tools together with therapeutic agents enable the selection of best treatments and allow tailored therapeutic interventions.
For prenatal monitoring, the use of innovative imaging technologies can ensure an early detection of malfunctions or disease.
The application of biomedical imaging for diagnosis and management of lifestyle-induced diseases will help to avoid disease development through lifestyle changes.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in imaging will facilitate the improvement of image interpretation and lead to better disease prediction and therapy planning.
As biomedical imaging technologies and analysis of existing imaging data provide solutions to current challenges and needs in healthcare, appropriate funding for dedicated research is needed to implement the innovative approaches for the wellbeing of citizens and patients.
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Health and productivity at work: which active workstation for which benefits: a systematic review
In order to reduce sedentary behaviour at work, research has examined the effectiveness of active workstations. However, despite their relevance in replacing conventional desks, the comparison between types of active workstations and their respective benefits remains unclear. The purpose of this review article is thus to compare the benefits between standing, treadmill and cycling workstations. Search criteria explored Embase, PubMed and Web of Science databases. The review included studies concerning adults using at least two types of active workstations, evaluating biomechanical, physiological work performance and/or psychobiological outcomes. Twelve original articles were included. Treadmill workstations induced greater movement/activity and greater muscular activity in the upper limbs compared with standing workstations. Treadmill and cycling workstations resulted in elevated heart rate, decreased ambulatory blood pressure and increased energy expenditure during the workday compared with standing workstations. Treadmill workstations reduced fine motor skill function (ie, typing, mouse pointing and combined keyboard/mouse tasks) compared with cycling and standing workstations. Cycling workstations resulted in improved simple processing task speeds compared with standing and treadmill workstations. Treadmill and cycling workstations increased arousal and decreased boredom compared with standing workstations. The benefits associated with each type of active workstation (eg, standing, treadmill, cycling) may not be equivalent. Overall, cycling and treadmill workstations appear to provide greater short-term physiological changes than standing workstations that could potentially lead to better health. Cycling, treadmill and standing workstations appear to show short-term productivity benefits; however, treadmill workstations can reduce the performance of computer tasks.
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Algal sorbent derived from Sargassum horneri for adsorption of cesium and strontium ions: equilibrium, kinetics, and mass transfer
An algal sorbent derived from Sargassum horneri was prepared and used to adsorb cesium and strontium ions from aqueous solution. The phenomenological mathematical models associated to the predicted equilibrium isotherms were developed to determine the rate-limiting steps of the adsorption process. The maximum adsorption capacity of cesium ion and strontium ion was calculated to be 0.358 and 1.72 mmol g−1, respectively. The adsorption kinetics followed to the pseudo-second-order equation. It was found that adsorption of cesium or strontium ions onto the active sites of the biosorbent was the rate-limiting step. In addition, the external mass transfer and the internal mass transfer cannot be neglected for the adsorption of strontium ion based on the error analysis. The functional groups relevant to the adsorption were carboxyl and sulfate groups.
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Proposed Transparency Rule Threatens Health
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Effects of a Personalized Web-Based Decision Aid for Surrogate Decision Makers of Patients With Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation A Randomized Clinical Trial
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External Validation of the MEESSI Acute Heart Failure Risk Score A Cohort Study
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Fanconi Syndrome and Tenofovir Alafenamide: A Case Report
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Knowing Is (Only) Half the Battle
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Kidney Transplantation in Lupus Nephritis: Can We Do Even Better?
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Renal Transplantation and Survival Among Patients With Lupus Nephritis A Cohort Study
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Kidney Transplants in Patients With Lupus Nephritis
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Perfect Compliance: The 2018 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Well-Being Survey
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Caring for Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions
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Modeling the relationship between gross capital formation and CO 2 (a)symmetrically in the case of Pakistan: an empirical analysis through NARDL approach
This paper tries to ensure the relationship between gross capital formation (GCF) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the case of Pakistan for the period 1980–2016 by employing Non-Linear Auto Regressive Distribution Lag (NARDL) model under the expansion of Environmental Kuznets hypothesis (EKC) while controlling for coal and oil consumption variables as a potential factors of CO2 emissions. Our main objective is to check whether or not the effect of changes in GCF on CO2 emissions is asymmetric or symmetric for Pakistan that is among one of the main contributors to CO2 emissions in Asia, as the emissions were grown by 15.6 million tonnes or 8.5% increase in percentage terms in 2016. Our result confirms the existence of an asymmetric effect of GCF shocks on CO2 emissions both in the short and long-terms. Moreover, our empirical finding also suggests that coal and oil consumptions have a significant contribution to CO2 emissions both in the short and long-terms. Further, our results also significantly support the existence of the EKC hypothesis both in the long and short-terms. That confirms the inverted U-shaped connection among per capita growth and CO2 emissions in Pakistan. In the last, our study suggests that the implementation and use of clean energies and technologies are vital for controlling pollution in Pakistan.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Cultural Identity and Materiality at French Fort St. Joseph (20BE23), Niles, Michigan
Fort St. Joseph was one of many French colonial outposts established throughout the St. Lawrence River valley and the western Great Lakes region in the late 17th to 18th centuries to cultivate alliances with native peoples. The result was an exchange, amalgamation, and reinterpretation of material goods that testify to the close relationships the French maintained with various Native American groups. Yet, closer examination suggests that both the French and natives employed material goods in distinctive ways to ensure survival and promote their interests in the colonial encounter; borrowing was merely an expedient strategy. This interpretation shifts attention away from the amicable relations, altruistic behaviors, and hybridization that researchers previously posited toward an understanding grounded in more pragmatic forms of materiality that agents practice to ensure the persistence of cultural identities under colonialism.
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In his element: looking back on Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table
In his element: looking back on Primo Levi's The Periodic Table
In his element: looking back on Primo Levi's <i>The Periodic Table</i>, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00288-6
Tim Radford celebrates an extraordinary short-story collection.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Daily briefing: How to run a 500-year experiment
Daily briefing: How to run a 500-year experiment
Daily briefing: How to run a 500-year experiment, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00328-1
First, assume that science still exists. Plus: the unsung women behind the periodic table and scientists respond to the end of the US shutdown.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Herding experts and polishing text: 10 tips for creating an edited volume
Herding experts and polishing text: 10 tips for creating an edited volume
Herding experts and polishing text: 10 tips for creating an edited volume, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-018-07814-y
What you should know before starting an anthology.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Children glued to screens show delays in key skills
Children glued to screens show delays in key skills
Children glued to screens show delays in key skills, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00306-7
Greater screen time at age two corresponds to poorer scores on developmental test at age three.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Celebrate the women behind the periodic table
Celebrate the women behind the periodic table
Celebrate the women behind the periodic table, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00287-7
Brigitte Van Tiggelen and Annette Lykknes spotlight female researchers who discovered elements and their properties.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
The first synthetic element
The first synthetic element
The first synthetic element, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00236-4
When Mendeleev proposed his periodic table in 1869, element 43 was unknown. In 1937, it became the first element to be discovered by synthesis in a laboratory — paving the way to the atomic age.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Flying squirrels are secretly pink
Flying squirrels are secretly pink
Flying squirrels are secretly pink, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00307-6
Forest ecologist stumbles across a New World gliding rodent that glows rosé in ultraviolet light.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Two-dimensional MoS2-enabled flexible rectenna for Wi-Fi-band wireless energy harvesting
Two-dimensional MoS2-enabled flexible rectenna for Wi-Fi-band wireless energy harvesting
Two-dimensional MoS<sub>2</sub>-enabled flexible rectenna for Wi-Fi-band wireless energy harvesting, Published online: 28 January 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-0892-1
Integration of an ultrafast flexible rectifier made from a two-dimensional material with a flexible antenna achieves wireless energy harvesting of Wi-Fi radiation, which could power future flexible electronic systems.from A via a.sfakia on Inoreader
Image-based clustering and connected component labeling for rapid automated left and right ventricular endocardial volume extraction and segmentation in full cardiac cycle multi-frame MRI images of cardiac patients
A rapid method for left and right ventricular endocardial volume segmentation and clinical cardiac parameter calculation from MRI images of cardiac patients is presented. The clinical motivation is providing cardiologists a tool for assessing the cardiac function in a patient through the left ventricular endocardial volume's ejection fraction. A new method combining adapted fuzzy membership-based c-means pixel clustering and connected regions component labeling is used for automatic segmentation of the left and right ventricular endocardial volumes. This proposed pixel clustering with labeling approach avoids manual initialization or user intervention and does not require specifying the region of interest. This method fully automatically extracts the left and right ventricular endocardial volumes and avoids manual tracing on all MRI image frames in the complete cardiac cycle from systole to diastole. The average computational processing time per frame is 0.6 s, making it much more efficient than deformable methods, which need several iterations for the evolution of the snake or contour. Accuracy of the automated method presented herein was validated against manual tracing-based extraction, performed with the guidance of cardiac experts, on several MRI frames. Dice coefficients between the proposed automatic versus manual traced ventricular endocardial volume segmentations were observed to be 0.9781 ± 0.0070 (for left ventricular endocardial volume) and 0.9819 ± 0.0058 (for right ventricular endocardial volume), and the Pearson correlation coefficients were observed to be 0.9655 ± 0.0206 (for left ventricular endocardial volume) and 0.9870 ± 0.0131 (for right ventricular endocardial volume).
Graphical abstract

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Seasonal ecotoxicological monitoring of freshwater zooplankton in Bir Mcherga dam (Tunisia)
Dams represent large semi-closed reservoirs of pesticides and various organic and inorganic pollutants from agricultural and human activities, and their monitoring should receive special attention. This study evaluated the environmental health status of Bir Mcherga dam using zooplankton species. The dam has a capacity of 130 Mm3 and its waters are used for irrigation, water drinking supply, and fishery. Copepods and cladocerans (crustaceans) were collected in situ monthly between October and August 2012. Oxidative stress (CAT, MDA), neurotoxicity (AChE), and genotoxicity (micronucleus test) biomarkers were analyzed in two zooplankton species: Acanthocyclops robustus and Diaphanosoma mongolianum. High values of cells with a micronucleus were observed during summer. AChE activities were inhibited during early winter and summer. The high seasonal variability of CAT and MDA levels indicates that zooplankton is continuously exposed to different oxidative stresses. These results suggest that there is an obvious and continuous multi-faceted stress in Bir Mcherga reservoir and, consequently, an urgent monitoring of freshwater environments in Tunisia is needed, particularly those intended for human consumption and irrigation.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Effect of Vicia faba L. var. minor and Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik associated with plant growth-promoting bacteria on lettuce cropping system and heavy metal phytoremediation under field conditions
Researches involving the use of association between legumes and PGPBs (plant growth-promoting bacteria) in heavy metal phytoremediation process were mainly performed for soils highly contaminated. However, even in agriculture soils, with moderate or low contamination levels, plants can accumulate high rates of heavy metals. So, food chain contamination by these metals presents a real threat to animal and human health. This work aimed to evaluate the use of two legumes/PGPB symbioses; Vicia faba var. minor and Sulla coronaria have been inoculated with specific heavy metal-resistant inocula in a crop rotation system with Lactuca sativa as a following crop, in order to assess their effects on soil fertility, lettuce yield, and heavy metal content. Our results showed that legume inoculation significantly enhanced their biomass production, nitrogen and phosphorus content. The use of our symbioses as green manure before lettuce cultivation, as a rotation cropping system, affected positively soil fertility. In fact, we recorded a higher organic matter content, with rapid decomposition in the soil of inoculated plots. Besides, results demonstrated a greater nitrogen and phosphorus content in this soil, especially in the plot cultivated with inoculated V. faba var. minor. The improvement of soil fertility enhanced lettuce yield and its nitrogen and phosphorus content. Moreover, inoculated legumes extracted and accumulated more heavy metals than non-inoculated legumes. Our symbioses play the role of organic trap for heavy metals, making them unavailable for following crops. These facts were supported by lettuce heavy metal content, showing a significant decrease in metal accumulation, mainly zinc and cadmium, in edible parts. Results showed the usefulness of the studied symbioses, as a main part of a rotation system with lettuce. Our symbioses can be suggested for agriculture soil phytoremediation, aiming to enhance non-legume crop yield and limit heavy metal translocation to food chain.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Diagnosing a Breast Cancer Gene Mutation with Our Very Own Smartphone
With that in mind, Manas Gartia, LSU Mechanical Engineering assistant professor, went to work at creating a POC that could detect a breast cancer gene mutation. "Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States," said Gartia. "In 2015, 41,523 women died of breast cancer in the U.S., with 3,523 of those in Louisiana. We believe that early detection saves lives. That's why genetic testing is so popular. People want to catch it [cancer] before it's found in a mammo...
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Using Sequencing and AI for Infectious Disease Detection
Day Zero Diagnostics (DZD) is seeking to develop a more effective way of detecting infectious disease using artificial intelligence and genome sequencing. The Boston-based company announced it has raised $8.6 million in its mission to further develop the test. DZD's series A round was led by Triventures with significant participation from existing investors including Sands Capital Ventures and Golden Seeds. With the financing, the company will accelerate prototype development of its sam...
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New Blood Test Determines Likelihood of Lung Transplant Rejection
A simple blood test could help detect whether a newly transplanted lung is being rejected by a patient, even when there aren't any apparent signs of rejection. The donor-derived cell-free DNA test was developed by the National Institutes of Health/National Heart Blood and Lung Institute. A study about the performance of the blood test was published in EbioMedicine, a publication of The Lancet. The test relies on DNA sequencing and represents a great example of personalized medicine, as it ...
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Innovative new toothbrush breaks ground for better dental hygiene
The two inventors have expressed the hope that their NJ toothbrush will improve users' oral health. They have said that it will not be easy to convince toothbrush companies that a change of design is needed, but that this toothbrush will bring revolutionary changes to the concept of toothbrushing. Dr Tze-chuen Ng, an honorary associate professor at the university's Faculty of Dentistry, and Prof. Lijian Jin, Clinical Professor in Periodontology also at the faculty, designed the NJ toothbrush...
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Dance Biopharm Finds Its Rhythm
Dance Biopharm had a lot to celebrate in 2018 and if all goes according to plan the private biotech company will have even more to celebrate this year. The company's flagship product – an insulin product delivered via a smart handheld soft mist inhaler – is currently in two confirmatory phase II studies in type 1 and 2 diabetes patients, and Dance plans to initiate two phase III programs in type 2 diabetes patients in 2019. "2018 was a year where Dance really started to build momentum and ...
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23andMe Looking at Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Syndrome
Personal genetics specialist, 23andMe received a nod from FDA for a genetic health risk report on a hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome. FDA's nod for the Mountain View, CA-based company's MUTYH-Associated Polyposis Genetic Health Risk report follows a previous authorization for the BRCA1/BRCA2 (Selected Variants) Genetic Health Risk report in March 2018. The MUTYH-Associated Polyposis report was submitted to the FDA using the 510(k) submission pathway, enabled by the BRCA decision in...
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Using Immersive Virtual Reality Software for Surgical Education
When it comes to training for medical procedures, sometimes failure is the only path toward eventual success. The problem with taking that approach in surgical training is that, oftentimes, human life hangs in the balance — making failure not much of an option. Precision OS, a new orthopedic technology company out of Vancouver, is hoping to change that with their latest technology that aims to provide a virtual reality platform that can simulate the entire surgical experience. "Precision O...
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Abbott CEO Says the Libre Story Just Keeps Getting Better
It's been about four months since FDA approved Abbott's FreeStyle Libre Flash glucose monitoring system as a replacement for blood glucose monitoring (BGM) for adults and it's safe to say the Libre system has been a blockbuster product for the company. "First of all, it's going extremely well," CEO Miles White said during the company's fourth-quarter earnings call Wednesday, as transcribed by Seeking Alpha. "We did add 300,000 patients last quarter. That's almost equivalent to the entire u...
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Technogym supports professionals against football injuries
Technogym at Isokinetic 2018 is offering the ideal equipment for professionals involved in the rehabilitation of injuries in the world of elite football.
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3D Printing Prosthetics and Implants With Precision
There's never been a more exciting time for those who work with 3D scanning and printing technologies. Concepts that have long since been the stuff of science fiction are not only becoming a reality, but they are proving to become vital developments in the world of medtech. The latest of such sci-fi technologies is the introduction of 3D scanning and printing for next-gen prosthetics and custom-made implants. Anatomik Modeling, a company that specializes in designing and developing 3D cust...
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FDA Clears United Imaging Healthcare uExplorer Total-Body Scanner
United Imaging Healthcare (United Imaging) announced U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) clearance of the uExplorer total-body scanner. uExplorer is the world's first nuclear imaging scanner that can capture a 3-D picture of the whole human body at one bed position, according to the company. The system was developed by United Imaging in partnership with the Explorer Consortium led by Simon Cherry, Ph.D., and Ramsey Badawi, Ph.D., from the University of California, Davis. uExplorer is a c...
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FDA Clears Siemens Healthineers' Multix Impact Digital X-ray System
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the Multix Impact, an affordably priced, floor-mounted digital radiography (DR) system from Siemens Healthineers that expands access to high-quality imaging and enhances the patient experience. In addition to an intuitive operating system and versatile wireless detectors, the Multix Impact has a free-floating, flat tabletop for easy patient access. The touch user interface on the X-ray tube allows the technologist to remain at the pat...
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[ASAP] A “Clickable” Photoconvertible Small Fluorescent Molecule as a Minimalist Probe for Tracking Individual Biomolecule Complexes
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[ASAP] Aminoxyl-Catalyzed Electrochemical Diazidation of Alkenes Mediated by a Metastable Charge-Transfer Complex
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[ASAP] Electrochemical Dearomative 2,3-Difunctionalization of Indoles
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Insertions of antihypertensive peptides and their applications in pharmacy and functional foods
Hypertension is a worldwide health problem. It is the main cardiovascular risk factor and affects about 31% of the world's adult population. The drugs used to control hypertension may cause side effects; for this reason, there are many investigations focused on searching for alternatives to control or prevent this disease through diet. For example, many peptides have demonstrated antihypertensive effects. The insertion of bioactive peptides is a biotechnological implement used to improve the nutraceutical properties of proteins. This work reviews the current data on the insertion of antihypertensive peptides (AHPs) into food proteins, the systems used to produce the AHPs, the advantages and disadvantages between them, the parameters to produce them at major scales, and their potential applications in pharmacy and functional foods.
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The impact of sustainability performance indicators on financial stability: evidence from the Russian oil and gas industry
Considering the dearth of research on the impact of sustainability reporting practices on financial stability in the context of transition economies, this study aims to explore sustainability reporting practices of top oil and gas companies in Russia and investigate the effects of sustainability performance indicators on financial stability in the context of a given emerging economy. The study is based on panel data analysis of sustainability performance indicators and financial data of forty-five largest oil and gas companies listed on the Russian Trading Stock Exchange over the period 2012–2016. Data on sustainability performance were collected through analyzing sustainability reports and annual reports, while financial data were obtained from audited financial statements downloaded from company websites. The empirical results indicate that companies improve their sustainability performance indicators in order to manage risk and improve their financial stability. The results also show that firm-specific characteristics, such as financial capacity, leverage, firm size, and firm age, are important underlying factors affecting the degree of financial distress and financial stability. The findings of the study provide managers and practitioners with useful aspects of sustainability performance indicators to improve financial stability and mitigate financial distress. Additionally, investors and practitioners should consider other underlying factors, including financial capacity, leverage, firm size, and firm age, that may influence financial stability. Finally, the findings are useful for policymakers and regulators in promoting Global Reporting Initiative guidelines which will ultimately lead to sustainable development and financial stability in the context of emerging markets.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Phytoremediation potential and control of Phragmites australis as a green phytomass: an overview
Phragmites australis (common reed) is one of the most extensively distributed emergent plant species in the world. This plant has been used for phytoremediation of different types of wastewater, soil, and sediments since the 1970s. Published research confirms that P. australis is a great accumulator for different types of nutrients and heavy metals than other aquatic plants. Therefore, a comprehensive review is needed to have a better understanding of the suitability of this plant for removal of different types of nutrients and heavy metals. This review investigates the existing literature on the removal of nutrients and heavy metals from wastewater, soil, and sediment using P. australis. In addition, after phytoremediation, P. australis has the potential to be used for additional benefits such as the production of bioenergy and animal feedstock due to its specific characteristics. Determination of adaptive strategies is vital to reduce the invasive growth of P. australis in the environment and its economic effects. Future research is suggested to better understand the plant's physiology and biochemistry for increasing its pollutant removal efficiency.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Preface—a new paradigm for life cycle thinking: exploring sustainability in urban development scenarios
The main goal of this special issue is to further the understanding of how to integrate life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) methods and tools in the urban planning process. It is a relatively new and interdisciplinary topic that supports the integration of life cycle assessment techniques and expertise in urban planning and designing procedures such as strategic environmental assessment (SEA).
Starting with life cycle thinking, the integration of the environmental life cycle assessment, and also its implementation to assess economic (life cycle costing), and social impacts (social life cycle assessment) with other planning and designing methods and tools to the urban context have been analyzed and implemented in some case studies. Examples of planning and designing methods considered are urban metabolism, strategic environmental assessment, and multi-criteria decision analysis.
Results and conclusions
Ten contributions draw a clear picture on the current state of the art and present gaps and further developments necessary to build a complete and harmonized framework. It is evident that the variability of methodology and expertise involved in this multidisciplinary approach is very high, and that it is very important to support its further implementation to cover the current gaps. An interdisciplinary and harmonized framework and further implementation in three dimensions of sustainability are two examples of desirable future developments that were identified.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Rare Species Enhance Niche Differentiation Among Tropical Estuarine Fish Species
Based on the assumption that rare species in estuarine systems may display a different set of traits relative to common species, we hypothesized that the extirpation of rare species would negatively affect functional diversity components of these ecosystems. Therefore, the contribution of rare species to the functional structure of estuarine fish assemblages in a tropical estuarine lagoon was tested using two different simulation scenarios of species loss: (1) losing the rare species first and (2) removal occurring at random. Overall, high functional redundancy among studied estuarine fish species was found, with many species, including some rare species performing similar functions as shown by the consistent and marked species' overlap in the functional space. Nevertheless, the removal of rare species negatively impacted niche differentiation among assemblages, indicating that while rare species play redundant functions in the studied estuary, they also have a crucial role in increasing niche differentiation among fish assemblages. Such increase in niche differentiation granted by rare species—mostly represented by marine straggler species—appears to be a key component of ecosystem stability by allowing functions to be continued even when the estuary is faced with disturbances.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Multifunctional diesel exhaust emission soot coated sponge for water treatment
We demonstrated that a pollutant and waste, diesel exhaust emission soot (DEES) can be used as an absorbent to remove oil and organic pollutants from wastewater. The diesel exhaust emission soot coated sponge (DEES sponge) was prepared using the dip-coating method. Prepared DEES sponge was found hydrophobic in nature as the contact angle between water drop and its surface was recorded to be 147°. The DEES sponge showed high absorption capacity with various oils, without any surface modifications and pretreatments. Highest oil absorption capacity was found to be 39 g/g for engine oil. Excellent separation efficiency was recorded (max. 98.5% for engine oil). It shows promising recyclability having 95% efficiency even after 10 cycles. DEES sponge also demonstrated the capability to be used as an adsorbent due to its ability to absorb pollutants like methylene blue (MB), ciprofloxacin, and detergent from the water. It was able to adsorb 93% of the dye MB from its aqueous solution having concentration of 15 μM.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Improved Jayaweera-Mikkelsen model to quantify ammonia volatilization from rice paddy fields in China
Current estimates of China's ammonia (NH3) volatilization from paddy rice differ by more than twofold, mainly due to inappropriate application of chamber-based measurements and improper assumptions within process-based models. Here, we improved the Jayaweera-Mikkelsen (JM) model through multiplying the concentration of aqueous NH3 in ponded water by an activity coefficient that was determined based on high-frequency flux observations at Jingzhou station in Central China. We found that the improved JM model could reproduce the dynamics of observed NH3 flux (R2 = 0.83, n = 228, P < 0.001), while the original JM model without the consideration of activity of aqueous NH3 overstated NH3 flux by 54% during the periods of fertilization and pesticide application. The validity of the improved JM model was supported by a mass-balance-based indirect estimate at Jingzhou station and the independent flux observations from the other five stations across China. The NH3 volatilization losses that were further simulated by the improved JM model forced by actual wind speed were in general a half less than previous chamber-based estimates at six stations. Difference in wind speed between the inside and outside of the chamber and insufficient sampling frequency were identified as the primary and secondary causes for the overestimation in chamber-based estimations, respectively. Together, our findings suggest that an in-depth understanding of NH3 transfer process and its robust representation in models are critical for developing regional emission inventories and practical mitigation strategies of NH3.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
New wireless cardiac resynchronisation therapy device
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A possible role of biogenic silica in esophageal cancer in North China?
Certain areas in North China have the highest incidence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in the world, which has not seen convincing explanation by any risk factor yet. Biogenic silica in millet bran was linked to ESCC in the early 1980s but the hypothesis was largely dismissed because of the lack of geographic correlation between millet consumption and ESCC. Later epidemiological studies disclosed the linkage of wheat consumption in North China to ESCC instead. Now, we hypothesize silica phytoliths (silicified bodies that have definite shapes) from wheat chaff are a major etiologic factor of ESCC in this region. This hypothesis is supported by the potentially high abundance of silica phytoliths on the bracts of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in North China due to favorable Si-accumulation genotype, arid climate, and siallitic soil with bioavailable Si. These silica phytoliths can contaminate wheat flour and cause repeated local injuries in the esophagus and stimulate proliferation by providing anchorage.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Clinical performance of uncoated and precoated polymer mesh base ceramic brackets
To evaluate the clinical performance of the two types of InVu ceramic brackets. The clinical performance of these brackets was measured by determining failure as well as survival rates and tie-wing fractures. ...
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[ASAP] Structure and Reactivity of Aromatic Radical Cations Generated by FeCl3
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[ASAP] TEMPO-Mediated Catalysis of the Sterically Hindered Hydrogen Atom Transfer Reaction between (C5Ph5)Cr(CO)3H and a Trityl Radical
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[ASAP] Spotlights on Recent Publications
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P and K additions enhance canopy N retention and accelerate the associated leaching
This study evaluated the interactive effects of combined phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) additions on canopy nitrogen (N) retention (CNR) and subsequent canopy leaching at a long-term N manipulation site on Whim bog in south Scotland. Ambient deposition is 8 kg N ha−1 year−1 and an additional 8, 24, and 56 kg N ha−1 year−1 of either ammonium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3−) with or without P and K has been applied over 11 years. Throughfall N deposition below Calluna vulgaris and foliar N and P concentrations were assessed. Results showed that 60% for low dose and 53% for high dose of NO3− contrasting with 80% for low dose and 38% for high dose of NH4+ onto Calluna was retained by Calluna canopy. The CNR was enhanced by P and K addition in which 84% of NO3− and 83% of NH4+ for high dose were retained. CNR for NO3− increased the canopy leaching of dissolved organic N (DON) and associated organic anions. NH4+ retention increased canopy leaching of magnesium and calcium through ion exchange. Even over 11-years N exposure without P and K, foliage N:P ratio of Calluna did not increase, suggesting that N exposure did not lead to N saturation of Calluna at Whim bog. Our study concluded that increases in P and K availability enhance CNR of Calluna but accelerate the associated canopy leaching of DON and base cations, depending on foliar N status.
from Energy Ecology Environment Ambio via Terpsi Hori on Inoreader
Diversity and Spatiotemporal Distribution of Fungal Endophytes Associated with Citrus reticulata cv. Siyahoo
Endophytic fungi are characterized as microorganisms found within internal tissues of living plants without any immediate, overtly negative effects. The present study was carried out to isolate, taxonomically characterize and determine the spatiotemporal distribution of endophytic fungi associated with leaf, stem, trunk, and root of mandarin (Citrus reticulata cv. Siyahoo). To do so, the sampling program was done seasonally in four geographically isolated mandarin growing areas of Hormozgan province of Iran, including Siyahoo, Ahmadi, Sikhoran, and Roudan. In total, 702 fungal isolates were obtained from leaf, stem, trunk, and root of healthy mandarin trees divided into 26 distinct morphotypes based on morphological characteristics. The morphotypes were taxonomically characterized through phylogenetic analysis of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS4 rDNA region sequences. Accordingly, 10 different fungal orders from 5 fungal classes were identified, i.e., Saccharomycetes (Saccharomycetales), Eurotiomycetes (Eurotiales), Dothideomycetes (Capnodiales, Pleosporales, Dothideales), and Sordariomycetes (Diaporthales, Hypocreales, Microascales, Togniniales), all from Ascomycota, which represented 97.2% and Ustilaginomycetes (Ustilaginales) from Basidiomycota which represented 2.8% of the isolates. The Aureobasidium pullulans, Penicillium citrinum, and Dothideomycetes sp. were the most frequent isolates. The trunk and leaf showed the highest and lowest total colonization frequency and species richness of endophytic fungi, respectively, in all sampling periods. The results showed that the colonization frequency of endophytes in Hormozgan province was higher in autumn than that in spring, winter, and summer. The trunk showed the maximum diversity of endophytes over all seasons. The Shannon–Wiener (H′) and Simpson indices had significant correlation with sampling cites and tissue type and the maximum value of Shannon and Simpson indices (H′ = 3.05 and 1 − D = 0.94) was found in the specimens collected from Siyahoo. In conclusion, the three factors (season, location, and tissue type) all in together could determine fungal endophyte composition of C. reticulata.
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Effect Oral Administration Ampicillin on the Ecological Balance of rat Enterococcal gut Microbiota
The main objective of this work is to investigate the impact of oral administration of ampicillin on the ecological balance of enterococci in the intestinal microbiota of rats during a treatment and a post-treatment. The results have showed that the treated animals excreted significantly higher percentages of resistant enterococci compared to the control group (P ≤ 0.05) during the treatment and after the treatment. The most predominant species selected after the treatment began were Enterococcus faecium. The MICs for ampicillin for all isolates of E. faecium were 32 to 64 µg/mL, with the exception of two strains (TR1LBMB, TR5LBMB), were found to be highly resistant (MICs ≥ 128 µg/mL). Quantification of ampicillin in faeces by the RT-HPLC showed that the significant increase in the number of ampicillin-resistant enterococci was associated with the gradual accumulation of high levels of unabsorbed ampicillin in the faeces. Our results suggest that ampicillin treatment can now be understood as a side effect contributing to the increase in the number of resistant Enterococcus strains, particularly E. faecium strains, recognized as important nosocomial pathogens.
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The value of CSF flow studies in the management of CSF disorders in children: a pictorial review
CSF flow disorders are frequently encountered in children. The advent of MR technology with the emergence of new pulse sequences allowed better understanding of CSF flow dynamics. In this pictorial review, we aim to conduct a comprehensive review of the MR protocol used to study CSF flow disorders and to discuss the utility of each pulse sequence in the adopted protocol. We will focus on the key anatomical structures that should be examined to differentiate hydrocephalus form ventricular dilatation ex-vacuo. The MR features of obstructive and communicating hydrocephalus will be discussed, in addition to the manifestations of CSF disorders associated with posterior fossa malformations (Dandy-Walker malformation, Chiari, and Blake's pouch cyst). Moreover, the value of MRI in the assessment of patients following interventional procedures (ventriculoperitoneal shunt and third ventriculostomy) will be addressed.
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Abdominal applications of ultrasound fusion imaging technique: liver, kidney, and pancreas
Fusion imaging allows exploitation of the strengths of all imaging modalities simultaneously, eliminating or minimizing the weaknesses of every single modality. Ultrasound (US) fusion imaging provides benefits in real time from both the dynamic information and spatial resolution of the normal US and the high-contrast resolution and wider field of view of the other imaging methods. US fusion imaging can also be associated with the use of different ultrasound techniques such as color Doppler US, elastography, and contrast-enhanced US (CEUS), for better localization and characterization of lesions. The present paper is focused on US fusion imaging technologies and clinical applications describing the possible use of this promising imaging technique in the liver, kidney, and pancreatic pathologies.
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Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the female pelvic floor—a pictorial review
Pelvic floor dysfunctions represent a range of functional disorders that frequently occur in adult women, carrying a significant burden on the quality of life, and its incidence tends to increase attending to the expected aging of the population. Pelvic floor dysfunctions can manifest as incontinence, constipation, and prolapsed pelvic organs. Since pelvic floor weakness is frequently generalized and clinically underdiagnosed, imaging evaluation is of major importance, especially prior to surgical correction. Given some interobserver variability of soft-tissue measurements, MR defecography allows a noninvasive, radiation-free, multiplanar dynamic evaluation of the three pelvic compartments simultaneously and with high spatial and temporal resolution. Both static/anatomic and dynamic/functional findings are important, since pelvic disorders can manifest as whole pelvic floor weakness/dysfunction or as an isolated or single compartment disorder. Imaging has a preponderant role in accessing pelvic floor disorders, and dynamic MR defecography presents as a reliable option, being able to evaluate the entire pelvic floor for optimal patient management before surgery. The purpose of this article is to address the female pelvic anatomy and explain the appropriate MR Defecography protocol, along with all the anatomic points, lines, angles, and measurements needed for a correct interpretation, to later focus on the different disorders of the female pelvic floor, illustrated with MR defecography images, highlighting the role of this technique in accessing these pathologic conditions.
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Daily briefing: How to run a 500-year experiment
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Children glued to screens show delays in key skills
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Two-dimensional MoS2-enabled flexible rectenna for Wi-Fi-band wireless energy harvesting
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Herding experts and polishing text: 10 tips for creating an edited volume
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Ultra-high-resolution subtraction CT angiography in the follow-up of treated intracranial aneurysms
In subtraction CT angiography (CTA), a non-contrast CT acquisition is subtracted from a contrast-enhanced CTA acquisition. Subtraction CTA can be applied in the detection, classification, and follow-up of intracranial aneurysms and is advantageous over conventional angiography because of its non-invasive nature, shorter examination time, and lower costs. Recently, an ultra-high-resolution CT scanner has been introduced in clinical practice offering an in-plane spatial resolution of up to 0.234 mm, approaching the resolution as seen during conventional invasive digital subtraction angiography (DSA). The twofold increase in spatial resolution as compared to a conventional CT scanner could improve the evaluation of small vascular structures and, coupled with dedicated post-processing techniques, further reduce metal artifacts. Technical considerations using a state-of-the-art high-resolution subtraction CTA protocol are discussed for application in the follow-up of surgical and endovascular treated intracranial aneurysms.
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Advanced endoscopic interventions on the pancreas and pancreatic ductal system: a primer for radiologists
In recent years, technological advancements including endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) guidance and availability of specifically designed stents further expanded the indications and possibilities of interventional endoscopy. Although technically demanding and associated with non-negligible morbidity, advanced pancreatic endoscopic techniques now provide an effective minimally invasive treatment for complications of acute and chronic pancreatitis.
Aiming to provide radiologists with an adequate familiarity, this pictorial essay reviews the indications, techniques, results and pre- and post-procedural cross-sectional imaging appearances of advanced endoscopic interventions on the pancreas and pancreatic ductal system. Most of the emphasis is placed on multidetector CT and MRI findings before and after internal drainage of pseudocysts and walled-off necrosis via EUS-guided endoscopic cystostomy, and on stent placement to relieve strictures or disruption of the main pancreatic duct, respectively in patients with chronic pancreatitis and disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome.
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Minocycline ameliorates anxiety-related self-grooming behaviors and alters hippocampal neuroinflammation, GABA and serum cholesterol levels in female Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to chronic unpredictable mild stress
Publication date: Available online 28 January 2019
Source: Behavioural Brain Research
Author(s): Cai Zhang, Allan V. Kalueff, Cai Song
Neuroinflammation induced by stress results in aberrant neurotransmission and dyslipidemia, which can trigger depression- and anxiety-like behaviors. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and cholesterol play a crucial role in anxiety-like states, including self-grooming - a common stress-evoked rodent behavior. However, the interaction between neuroinflammation, GABA and cholesterol under stress, and their effects on grooming, remain unclear. Here, we utilize the chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) rat cohort used previously in our Zhang et al. (2019) study, to examine whether CUMS affects grooming behavior, and whether minocycline, a microglia antagonist, can correct these behavioral deficits, accompanied by altering hippocampal neuroinflammation, GABA and serum cholesterol levels. Female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent a 6-week CUMS and received daily minocycline (40 mg/kg, i.p.) during this period, followed by behavioral testing in the open field test. Serum cholesterol, inflammatory cytokines and GABA levels in hippocampus were assayed by ELISA. CUMS significantly decreased locomotion, rearing, central zone entries and time spent in the open field center compared to unstressed controls. CUMS also strongly affected self-grooming behaviors, increasing the frequency of grooming episodes, the number of transitions, interruptions and individual elements of various grooming phases. However, these CUMS-induced behavioral abnormalities were corrected by minocycline. Likewise, CUMS elevated total serum cholesterol and lowered serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, whereas minocycline ameliorated these responses. CUMS also lowered hippocampal GABA, whereas minocycline normalized CUMS-induced GABA in the hippocampus. We also found significant correlations between neuroinflammation and GABA, neuroinflammation and cholesterol, GABA and grooming, as well as cholesterol and grooming measures, further implicating stress-evoked neuroinflammation, GABA and cholesterol in the regulation of complex rodent behaviors. In summary, minocycline ameliorated CUMS-induced aberrant self-grooming behaviors in rats by altering hippocampal neuroinflammation, GABA and serum cholesterol levels.
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[ASAP] Acid Responsive Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks
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WIF1 enhanced dentinogenic differentiation in stem cells from apical papilla
Odontogenic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from tooth tissues are a reliable resource that can be utilized for dental tissue regeneration. Exploration of the mechanisms underlying the regulation of their differentiation may be helpful for investigating potential clinical applications. The stem cell niche plays an important role in maintaining cell functioning. Previous studies found that Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (WIF1) is more highly expressed in apical papilla tissues than in stem cells from apical papilla (SCAPs) using microarray analysis. However, the function of WIF1 in SCAPs remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the function of WIF1 during dentinogenic differentiation in SCAPs.
A retrovirus containing HA-WIF1 was used to overexpress WIF1 in SCAPs. Using Western blot analysis, we verified the expression of HA-WIF1. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity assays, Alizarin Red staining and quantitative calcium analysis were performed to investigate the in vitro potential for dentinogenic differentiation in SCAPs. The expression of dentinogenesis-associated genes DSPP, DMP1, Runx2 and OSX were assayed using real-time RT-PCR. Transplantation experiments were used to measure dentinogenesis potential in vivo.
The real time RT-PCR results showed that WIF1 was more highly expressed in apical papilla tissues than in SCAPs, and its expression was increased during the process of dentinogenic differentiation. Overexpression of WIF1 enhanced ALP activity and mineralization in vitro, as well as the expression of DSPP, DMP1 and OSX in SCAPs. Moreover, in vivo transplantation experiments revealed that dentinogenesis in SCAPs was enhanced by WIF1 overexpression.
These results suggest that WIF1 may enhance dentinogenic differentiation potential in dental MSCs via its regulation of OSX and identified potential target genes that could be useful for improving dental tissue regeneration.
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Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου
! # Ola via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader
Publication date: 1 May 2019 Source: Talanta, Volume 196 Author(s): Ruiqing Long, Te Li, Chaoying Tong, Lihui Wu, Shuyun Shi Abstract...
Oral Cancer Rapid Test Kit Market Rugged Expansion Foreseen by 2024 MilTech Oral cancer is one of the largest group of cancers ...
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